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How Template Variables Work

Generated Python

Use $SETTA_GENERATED_PYTHON in a code block to specify where the generated Python code should go.

Here's the actual code that gets run:

def run_code():
low = 0
high = 100
random_value = numpy.random.randint(low=low, high=high)



Generated Python Imports

If inferImports is enabled in your settings, then the inferred import statements are automatically added to the top of the code block that contains $SETTA_GENERATED_PYTHON.

However, if you'd like to customize where the import statements appear, then you can use $SETTA_GENERATED_PYTHON_IMPORTS.

Here's the actual code that gets run:

def run_code():
import numpy.random
import numpy

low = 0
high = 100
random_value = numpy.random.randint(low=low, high=high)



Referencing section metadata

Prefix a code block's section name with $ to access its metadata.

  • Version name: $section_name$version
  • Code block import path: $section_name$import_path
  • Code block runtime file path: $section_name$file_path

Here's an example using all 3:

Running the bash script (section named chilly_azure) will print the following:


The hello comes from the fn() call, and the static_blue is the currently selected version of the value section.